Sunday, March 17, 2013


Vocabulary Support for Classes

You do not need to speak French for our courses since class sessions with the chefs will be translated. However, below is a list of common terms that might be helpful for initial mise-en-place (ingredient measuring) since the recipes are sometimes provided by our various chefs in French.

One hint that will help you successfully navigate France: just say hello to French people before asking them to help you in any way!

If the French are not first greeted with hello, many tend to consider you very rude (even if you say something you consider polite, such as “excuse me” before you ask a question). The primary word for hello in French is “Bonjour,” and it will work at any time of day (although you can say “Bonsoir” in the evening). But even saying “hello” if you can’t remember “bonjour” will help a lot as you greet someone, anyone…

Useful Pastry Words:

Almond Flour - d’Amandes en Poudre
Apples - Pommes
Baking Powder - Levure Chimique
Butter - Beurre
Chocolate - Couverture
Cocoa Powder - Cacao en poudre
Coconut - Coco
Coffee - Cafe
Confectioner’s Sugar - Sucre Glace
Corn Starch - ’Amidon de Mais
Cream - Creme
Eggs - Oeuf
Egg Whites - Blancs d’Ouef
Egg Yolks - Jaunes d’Ouef
Flour - Farine
Granulated Sugar - Sucre
Hazelnut - Noisette
Honey - Miel
Lemon - Citron
Lime - Citron Vert

Milk - Lait
Orange - Orange
Peach - Peche
Pears - Poires
Strawberries - Fraise
Raspberries - Framboise
Salt - Sel
Sugar - Sucre
Tea - The
Vanilla pod - Gousses de Vanille
Yeast - Levure
Walnut - Noix
Water - l’Eau

Common Culinary Vocabulary:

Basil - Basilic
Bay Leaf - Laurier
Beef - Boeuf
Bell Pepper - Poivron
Buckwheat - Sarrasin
Carrots - Carottes
Cheese - Fromage
Chicken - Poulet
Duck - Canard
Eggplant - Aubergine
Fish - Poisson
Garlic - Ail
Lamb - Agneau
Leek - Poireau
Lettuce - Salade

Mushrooms - Champignons
Olive Oil - Huile d’ olive
Onion - Oignon
Parsley - Persil
Peel - eplucher
Pepper - Poivre
Rice - Riz
Rosemary - Romarin
Shallot - Echalotes
Shrimp - Languoustine
Spices - Epices
Tomato - Tomate
Veal - Veau
Vegetables - Legumes
Zucchini - Courgettes

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